The ENRICHED Study for Pregnant People
Protocol: STUDY00008110
Full Title
Childrens Health Equity & Development Study (ENRICHED)
The University at Buffalo (UB) Center for Health Research is recruiting pregnant people for the ENRICHED study. This study focuses on learning more about the health and well-being of Erie-Niagara families. The goal of the study is to learn about things that affect parents’ mental and physical health and, in turn, their children’s health.

Participants will complete phone calls, blood/urine/hair sample collections, and surveys throughout all 3 trimesters of pregnancy. Following the birth of their baby, they will complete phone interviews and surveys until the baby turns 1.5 years old.

Participants will receive a thank-you gift for each survey completed.
Compensation: Yes
Compensation may include cash, checks, gift cards, debit cards, or incentives like gift baskets, technology items, or merchandise.
Pregnant adults 18 years or older Must be less than 13 weeks pregnant Speak English or Spanish
Age Group: Adults
Principal Investigator: LINA MU
+1 716-829-2975

Want to Learn More?

Let us know how the study team can reach you. If you do not hear back within 2 business days, then reach out to the study team directly at the contact information above and someone will assist you.

Your information will be shared only with the research study team and administrative staff for recruitment and will remain confidential. Your information will be stored until study recruitment is closed. Should you no longer want this information to be provided in the aforementioned ways, please contact the study team directly.

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