Pharmacy Study for Adult Patients of Buffalo General Medical Center
Protocol: STUDY00006871
Full Title
Feasibility of a pharmacist-to-pharmacist hand-off intervention during transitions of care
The University at Buffalo (UB) School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is enrolling adults currently admitted to the Buffalo General Medical Center and being treated by the cardiology team for a 3-month study. The goal of the study is to see if better communication between a hospital pharmacist and a patient’s primary care physician is helpful after being released from the hospital.

Participants will meet with a clinical pharmacist before their next scheduled appointment with their primary care doctor. They will also make follow-up appointments with the clinical pharmacist. Finally, they will allow study staff to collect information on their background and medical history and allow the team to review their medical records throughout the 3-month study period.
Compensation: No
Adults 18 years or older Admitted to Buffalo General Medical Center and are being treated by the cardiology team
Age Group: Adults
Principal Investigator: Collin Clark
Collin Clark

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