Reinvigorate Study for Adults on Ventilators
Protocol: STUDY00007337
Full Title
Randomized Study of the pdSTIM System (phrenic nerve to diaphragm STIMulation) in Failure to Wean Mechanically Ventilated Patients
The University at Buffalo (UB) is enrolling hospitalized adults on ventilators for a clinical trial. The goal of the study is to test the safety and effectiveness of a new system (the pdSTIM System) for helping people to get people off breathing machines quicker.

Participants will be randomly assigned (which happens by chance, like flipping a coin) to receive either the study system or the traditional standard of care. Those receiving the study system will complete two therapy sessions each day until they are removed from the ventilator or for up to 30 days (whichever is less).
Compensation: No
Adults 22 years and older Have been on a ventilator for at least 4 days Have failed at least 1 weaning attempt from the ventilator
Age Group: Adults
Principal Investigator: Alberto Monegro
+1 716-888-4713
Judith Wilkins
+1 716-898-5066
Chelsea Cowan
Maja Tankoska

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Your information will be shared only with the research study team and administrative staff for recruitment and will remain confidential. Your information will be stored until study recruitment is closed. Should you no longer want this information to be provided in the aforementioned ways, please contact the study team directly.

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