Intermittent Fasting Study for Adults with Prostate Cancer
Protocol: STUDY00007635
Full Title
A pilot, feasibility study of intermittent fasting in prostate cancer patients receiving androgen deprivation therapy
The University at Buffalo (UB) Department of Medicine is recruiting adults diagnosed with prostate cancer for a study. The goal of the study is to see if intermittent fasting (or eating only during certain hours of the day) can help to improve the effectiveness of cancer treatment.

Participants will be enrolled in the study for about 8 months during the intervention phase. During this phase, they will be asked to fast daily for 16 hours and eat during an 8-hour period. They will also complete a physical exam, lab tests, and surveys as well as study visits (at the UB Clinical and Translational Research Center on 875 Ellicott Steet in Buffalo) with a nutritionist during the treatment phase.
Compensation: No
Adults 18 years or older Have been diagnosed with prostate cancer
Age Group: Adults
Principal Investigator: ROBERTO PILI
Luciana FRICK
+1 888-888-8888
Kirsten Haden
+1 716-529-6470

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Your information will be shared only with the research study team and administrative staff for recruitment and will remain confidential. Your information will be stored until study recruitment is closed. Should you no longer want this information to be provided in the aforementioned ways, please contact the study team directly.

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