Endometriosis study during surgery
Protocol: STUDY00005353
Full Title
Endometriosis-associated pelvic pain and infertility: Cellular mechanisms
For 18-45 year old women undergoing gynecology surgery at Kaleida Health. A sliver of tissue and a tablespoon of fluid will be removed from womb lining which will take less than 5 minutes. This tissue and pelvic fluid will be used to examine cells, and measure hormones / inflammatory proteins. Patients will also be told whether or not there is endometriosis.
Compensation: No
-Reproductive age women (18-45 years old)
-Regular menstrual cycles
-Undergoing indicated gynecological surgery, including tubal sterilization, evaluation of pelvic pain or pelvic mass
Age Group: Adults
Principal Investigator: Jie Yu
Jie Yu
+1 888-888-8888

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