Quitting smoking in mental health settings
Protocol: STUDY00005634
Full Title
Mind to Quit Trial: Comparing Two ehavioral Approaches to Quitting Smoking in Mental Health Settings
The purpose of this study is to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of two brief quitting smoking approaches that could be cost-effective in assisting individuals who suffer from serious mental illness. The first approach is brief advice combined with the use of nicotine gum and patches. The second approach uses an app on your smartphone combined with the use of nicotine gum and patches.

Approximately 254 people will be recruited to be in this study at the University at Buffalo. This study will be mostly remote. The screening, baseline, and follow-up visits will all be done over Zoom video calling. Participants may be asked to meet in person to provide a breath sample later in the study.
Compensation: Yes
Compensation may include cash, checks, gift cards, debit cards, or incentives like gift baskets, technology items, or merchandise.
Inclusion Criteria
(1) Current DSM-5 diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizoaffective, bipolar, or recurring major depressive disorder;
(2) Functional impairment as indicated by a score of_2 or greater on the WHODAS 8 item version
(3) Smoker as indicated by smoking  5 cigarettes per day over the past 6 months;
(4) Desire to quit smoking as indicated by self-reported serious intention to quitting tobacco within the next 6 months;
(5) Age 18 and older;
(6) Willing and medically eligible to use nicotine replacement therapy;
(7) Currently receiving psychiatric treatment and intent to receive treatment for the duration of the study (therapy, medications, etc.).
Age Group: Adults
Principal Investigator: REBECCA ASHARE
Constance Duerr
+1 716-829-6699 ext. 1

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Your information will be shared only with the research study team and administrative staff for recruitment and will remain confidential. Your information will be stored until study recruitment is closed. Should you no longer want this information to be provided in the aforementioned ways, please contact the study team directly.

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