Tele-Brain Injury Assessment in Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
Protocol: STUDY00004683
Full Title
Tele-rain Injury Assessment in Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
This study is being done to see if the Buffalo Concussion Physical Exam and the Tele-Brain Injury Screen can be safely used to identify brain injury and its impact on functioning in female survivors who have experienced intimate partner violence. The Buffalo Concussion Physical Exam is a non-invasive physical exam that examines neck/head area for any discomfort. This exam also tests standing balance and the ability to follow movements with eyes. The Tele-Brain Injury Screen tells us how individuals suspected of brain injury are feeling and whether the way they are feeling is interfering with their functioning. In essence, we want to understand if intimate partner violence could result in brain injury. We also want to understand the effects of brain injury on daily functioning and social functioning.
Compensation: No
18-60 years old
Proficient in English
Physical injury to head/neck/face or strangulation injury due to partner abuse within the past year
Reports of physical abuse (e.g., being thrown against an object, partner initiated fall resulting in head injury or any other reports of physical abuse resulting in whiplash injury) by an intimate partner within the past year
Physical injury resulting in loss of consciousness > 30 minutes or post-traumatic amnesia > 24 hours
History of partner abuse within the past 5 years not resulting in any physical injury, physical abuse, or brain injury
Orthopedic injury resulting in significant balance deficits
Cognitive/physical ability to perform assessments
Focal neurologic deficits
Reports of psychological/psychosocial abuse by an intimate partner within the past 5 years
Reports of sexual abuse by an intimate partner within the past 5 years
Reports of financial abuse by an intimate partner within the past 5 years
Reports of controlling behavior by an intimate partner within the past 5 years
Report of any other form of abuse by an intimate partner within the past 5 years (e.g., emotional abuse)
Age Group: Adults
Principal Investigator: Ghazala Saleem
Ghazala Saleem
+1 716-829-2589

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