Study for Children in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Protocol: STUDY00003057
Full Title
Transfusion associated pathophysiology in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
This study enrolls children who are admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit. The purpose of this study is to learn about the effects of blood transfusion on multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). Patient’s participation in this study will involve giving blood and urine samples and chest x-rays. During the study, we will store and analyze participant’s blood and urine to measure certain protein levels and collect information about their genetic material (DNA). Compensation is not available for this study.
Compensation: No
Children ages 1 month to 18 years who are admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit.
Critically ill pediatric patients receiving blood transfusion who have an expected length of stay after transfusion in the ICU of more than 24 hours (based on the best judgment of the attending ICU staff).
Age Group: Children
Principal Investigator: AMANDA HASSINGER
Haiping Qiao
+1 716-323-0055

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